All forums are led by Joey Salmingo with Diana Salmingo, BScN
As the story goes, trauma inspires action: Joanna's death has inspired us to start this initiative to provide adequate training, awareness and education about the growing epidemic of life-threatening food allergies.
Our Mission
Although our organization was founded on the happenings of a tragedy, it became apparent to us that there wasn’t enough knowledge to protect those with allergies, and not enough preparation for the people around those with allergies.
F.A.T.E. was founded as a non-profit organization to provide free training and education to individuals, using our tragic story as the awakening. The education we provide is on the severity of food allergies, awareness through cognizance and compassion, and life-saving practices using already available resources.
As a definitive source for this training, F.A.T.E. is transforming into the preeminent platform for food allergy education for all industries.
“Over the years, I think we’ve been conditioned to think and assume that epinephrine injectors and allergy pills are antidotes and cures to food allergies, but they’re not. They buy you time. At least, they’re supposed to. And sometimes, they don’t work. So without the proper knowledge, what would you do?
That’s what inspired us to start FATE.”
What We've Achieved
On September 24th of 2018, exactly one month after Joanna died, The FATE Initiative led their first #FATEForum to a small group of elementary school teachers in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Since then, F.A.T.E. has led these same forums to thousands of students, educators, caregivers and restaurants workers across Canada and the United States; including foster care organizations, camp counselors, community organizations, flight attendants and even individual families.
In addition to these general educational forums, a specialty of F.A.T.E. is in the restaurant, hospitality and food-service profession. As a former chef and restaurateur of nearly two decades, F.A.T.E.’s founder, Joey Salmingo offers custom tailored forums for quality, volume and quick service kitchens of all capacities and sizes.
Having extensive and unique experience in both front of house operations and back of house procedures, including corporate, independent, as well as hotel & banquet and qsr, allows Joey to lead these forums with a specific passion and line of approach – being effective about the messaging while allowing thoughtful consideration to your own policies, procedures and business operations.
Restaurant clients have also initiated private and confidential audits of their establishments prior to the forum to further tailor their #FATEForumsForRestaurants to the way they do business.